Energizing Pilates session + 10 tips for summer uplifts

 30 minutes Energizing Pilates session for calm and strong body 

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In Dubai, our energy plummets when the weather reaches 44 degrees, as it did yesterday. Heck, anything over 30 degrees is uncomfortable, and the rest of the world hears me unless you live in an upside-down climate place like my native country Mauritius, or Australia.

Here in Dubai, somehow, we forget how hot it can get every year. If you are trying to juggle a zillion things and start feeling annoyed without understanding why remember that heat can suck your energy and slow you down. Why am I talking about the weather? Because our moods are affected by it, “weather” we like it or not. Before you start telling yourself, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I am tired,” remember it could be largely due to the heat. Our bodies are adjusting. By the way, I would like to know how you deal with heat?




Because our moods are affected by it, “weather” we like it or not. Before you start telling yourself, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I am tired,” remember it could be largely due to the heat. Our bodies are adjusting. @jeaniquepilates



But here’re ten tips that I think might help you manage your energy.

1. Drink, Drink, Drink. 

‘Nuf said.

2. Move. 

Of course, exercise at the moment is still minimal for me. ( always give yourself time post-surgery, it’s essential for healing). 

But I’m feeling way stronger. Here are my preferred summer movements: 

   a) Swim – Dubaians would have to settle for pools, but if you’re traveling to a cool place, dip every day because salt water does wonders to your skin, muscles, and joints.

b) Walk – At night or early morning and keep it mild. But if you’re one of those brave ones that continue to cycle and run, don’t forget to drink electrolytes to hydrate and avoid cramps.

c) Pilates is excellent for keeping your muscles active and not overworked. Today’s video, Energizing Pilates, is a mild tempo and begins with stretching – more details below.

3. Eat light. Consume light, nutritious food like salads, shakes, and cold soups. My favorite drink, at the moment, is a homemade vegan protein shake. Proteins repair your muscles and connective tissues, improve the health of your joints and bones, and many more. 

Here’s my recipe:

. 1 large ripe banana

. 1 cup of frozen blueberries 

. 1 cup of frozen strawberries

. 2 scoops of protein powder (best to be unflavored to keep the original fruity flavor) 

. Oat milk (amount depends on whether you want the shake’s thickness to be passable through a straw or scoopable with a spoon).

Mix everything in a blender or Nutri bullet, and voilà!

4. Pumper yourself. Massages release toxins from the tissues, increase blood circulation, and reawakens sluggish energy. And I just discovered last week that massage was what my body needed to release and drain the anesthesia out of my system. My muscles felt alive again.

5. Rest but don’t oversleep. 

 I like to get a good night’s sleep because it helps with my concentration and focus. But oversleeping (as you may do so during hot summer muggy days) makes you feel drowsy and lifeless. If you haven’t noticed already, your body naturally wakes up before the clock in summer since the sun rises earlier, as your body clock automatically adjusts its time. The explanation is simple; sunlight helps boost your brain’s serotonin, which can give you more energy. Take advantage of that. Get up as soon as you are awake. You will be more productive in getting a lot of things done because your brain is fresh in the morning and can think clearly

6. Take a Powernap

If you get tired during the day, get a 10-15 minutes power nap.

7. Slow down. I know – you will relax when everything is done. Sure, but as a modern society citizen, that will never happen. Find the balance, ok?

8. Limit your time spent in crowded places. 

Malls tend to be busy with irresistible summer sales. Since there’s not much to do, this is the best place to hang out. But malls tend to get busy, crowded, and noisy. Spending hours and hours in these places can drain your energy. Avoid spending too much time at the mall (unless you are a mall walker during low peak hours)

9. Avoid unnecessary stress. Of course, we cannot live without stress these days. There’s always something to make us worry, stress, and fear. Accept it, acknowledge it and do something about it (follow the above tips 😉

10. Have Fun, Fun, Fun. 

‘Nuf said.



One of the reasons I like Pilates is that it starts by lying down on the back, allowing your central nervous system to relax, which helps your mind to slow down.

Consider doing today’s Pilates workout with calm energy.

IF you have some time, try meditating; it’s great to calm your mind and ground yourself.

If you don’t feel like getting out today, grab your water bottle and mat, your face spray, and let’s destress your mind and body.

Once you have managed to move your spine, let me know how you feel. Let me know how you deal with the summer heat.








"Empower yourself and become the person you're meant to be"! 

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