The secret to a health spine

Stranding stretch and strength

A healthy spine needs to be both strong and flexible.

“Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another.” ~ Albert Einstein“.

Stiffness is blocked energy that you have the power to transform.


One of my students said, “Jeanique, the 40s is the time when people, in general, should make sure they’re exercising regularly to maintain the dexterity of their muscles”. No, she’s not a doctor, but she knows and feels her movement. And she’s right; the 40s is when you start losing your flexibility and strength, especially in the spine. 

Let me ask you, 

Which part of your spine is holding you back from doing those inspiring exercises that look amazing and keep you fit? When I was 23, I was so stiff it hurt to stretch. I couldn’t even touch my toes. So the good flexibility and strength I have now, I worked on it for many years; You see, I am not naturally flexible, it’s not in my D.N.A, so I must preserve it. A healthy spine needs to be both strong and flexible. Combine the two, and you get what we call dynamic strength – pliable muscles but also strong as rubber. We don’t want dry noodle flexibility – brittle and thus not sustainable.

We need the spine for every single action, and when the spine is stiff, it limits your movement, such as rotation (twist), flexion (roll-up), and especially extension (back bend).

 As we head to the following three busy months, why don’t you write a goal in your diary – “release tension from my spine.” Or it could be a nice pre-goal before your new year’s resolutions. This month it’s all about the spine. So let’s do it together.


Instead of holding those tensions in your spine, take a Roll Down and let it go 🙂





If all you can do on your own is a 5 mins stretch and a 5 mins strength Pilates abdominal series (see link below), that’s a good start. I promise you that you will feel stronger and more capable in no time. You need to believe that you can, but I bet that if you’re on this journey, YOU CAN TOTALLY DO IT. Because this is what you want to continue to do – bending and moving your spine no matter the age! That’s Spine-health 101. 

Let’s start with the easiest step. 


    • The simplest and easiest step is to remember to do a Roll Down daily; it cannot get easier than that. It even puts you in a good mood. When you feel yourself getting a little crazy, it’s always because all your nerves are out of whack. Something must have triggered that. And where are your nerves situated again? That’s right, In your spinal column. 
    • This simple exercise, the roll down, has the power to calm your nerves, especially if you do it against a wall. I’ve witnessed this happen before, from feeling crazy to feeling super calm in less than a minute. The world can drive us a little crazy sometimes. But remember, instead of holding those tensions in your spine, take a Roll Down and let it go 🙂
    • Notice which area of your spine needs to bend. When you do the Roll Down, you will start noticing where your specific tightness is so you can spend more time on that area.
    • When you start paying attention, that’s when you realize that stiffness is blocked energy that you have the power to transform consciously. “Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another.” 



    Today’s class is both stretch and strength. 

    Part 1: Standing stretch for spinal release 

    Part 2: Mat work Level 2ish to building strength

     Mat Cues  

    1. On the way up in the mat roll, I like to use the image of a tsunami wave. It gives me lots of lengths, and on the way down, I use the image of a low ceiling pushing down to feel the abs more. 

    Pro Tip: The idea of these cues is about keeping your awareness of your spine throughout your practice. So when you move your spine, any images that promote that spine elongation should do the trick.

    1. Continue with the open-leg rocker: Where do you gaze? Check out the video to see what works for you.
    1. Corkscrew is the next exercise we add to the level 2 class. We want articulation of the lumbar spine to move the pelvis in space using your abs, and then eventually, once you’re ready, your pelvis will come up—practice, practice, practice.
    1. No matter how strong you are, Superman or superwoman is an exercise that anyone can do. Even if you can do the swan, it’s great for lengthening your lower back. 

    Ok, then get moving with your goal 

    and see you next week,






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    Doing Pilates is like playing Jigsaw puzzles. Each class gets you a little closer to the final big picture. But sometimes, it can get a little complex. That’s why I am here to help you see the last picture. Are you in?



    Debbie Palmer
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    Debbie Palmer

    Debbie Palmer - I want to become a Pilates instructor to share the empowerment of movement, the ability for a broken body to relearn movement in a way that makes sense.After spending years learning how to recover and heal herself with Pilates, we are excited to...

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