Happy Heart with Pilates

Full Level 2 Mat Pilates sequence

Happy heart with Pilates – “True heart control follows correct breathing, which simultaneously reduces heart strain, purifies the blood and develops the lungs.đŸ« “, Joseph Pilates, Return to Life through Contrology

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Hey, there, welcome. I am so excited that you stopped by. I love The Classical Pilates Method and want to share everything I have learned so far and inspire you to continue your practice. Every week I share an article and a free video for your practice. Sign up and receive free Level 2 Mat Pilates Sequence




If you would like to watch the breathing video again, the link is below. It’s truly transformative to see how our breath influences everything. You know your practice is evolving when you’re ready to pay attention to how you breathe. A simple exercise can take on a whole new meaning when we truly understand the power of our breath.





Whether it’s anger, anxiety, or stress—those inevitable emotions of life—breathing provides us with space and time to think, change our perspective, and make better choices. It brings us back to the present moment.


For a helpful visualization, consider your ribcage as an accordion. Just as an accordion expands and contracts, your ribcage should do the same with each breath.


We can do this in all our usual positions:

  • Standing and sitting – feel your clothes moving from your spine when you breathe.
  • Laying down – feel the movement of your body against the surface when you are lying down.


Embracing conscious breathing is as easy as it gets. It’s a practice open to all, regardless of age, fitness level, or lifestyle. All it takes is a moment of mindfulness and a deep breath. It’s that simple.
Conscious breathing is an invaluable tool for life.

We may not have control over everything, but we do have control over our breath. The benefits of this control are significant. When we consciously focus on our breathing, it equips us to handle unexpected situations more effectively:

Whether it’s anger, anxiety, or stress—those inevitable emotions of life—breathing provides us with space and time to think, change our perspective, and make better choices. It brings us back to the present moment.

If this resonates with you, then it’s worth trying.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Xx, Jeanique

P.S: Don’t forget to download your sequence


Equipment: Spine Corrector, Small Barrel   

Pilates Exercise: Round Back, variations, side sit ups and twist 

Level : Basic Intermediate 


Let’s get it on!




Download the Level 2 Mat Pilates Sequence

Level 2 Mat Sequence – order, exercise name, repetitions


“Empower yourself and become the person you’ve always known you were meant to be! Believe.”

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