Here’s an experiment on fascia!
Yesterday I did a two-hour trek on the southeast coast of Mauritius. While the place is gorgeous and the scene is breathtaking, the sea is unforgiving and unswimmable, so we didn’t dare soak our battered bodies. When we got back, my body was sore, which felt good, in a way. The part that hurts the most is the connective tissues – the occipital fascia (back of my neck) and the plantar fascia (under my feet). It makes sense – yes, I used my body a lot during the walk, but I also didn’t drink enough water, a mistake since the fascia loves to be hydrated. I tend to forget to drink water when it’s cold, and the fact that I don’t sweat much doesn’t help, either.
I am sure that you’ve experienced that too!
In today’s video, I discuss;
- The role of Pilates in fascia hydration. I’ll take you back to when I first started getting into fitness and how my body used to be stiff and painful, but I found a way to improve it.
- I will also share what fascia favours besides movement.
It also dawned on me that self-care is about understanding how you are built and treating your body well! Once you’ve had a chance, try today’s video. Part 1 is to facilitate fascia hydration, and part 2 is a Pilates session for juicy joints.