Layan Khayat
I want to share this feeling with othersLayan Khayat, yoga teacher – “ I want to become a Pilates Teacher because I have personally explored the benefits of Pilates. Not only did it make me physically strong but also emotionally. I want to share this feeling with others and enable them to find the power within them. I also like the structure and details that comes with Pilates

Women and Mental Health
Woman and Mental Health: How Strengthening Your Muscles Radiates Confidence When women strengthen their muscles, they don't just build physical strength—they radiate confidence and stride with pride. Think of your chest muscles...

“ I truly enjoyed the teacher training program with Jeanique.
She has so much knowledge about Pilates and I’ve learned a lot. The program helped me grow in so many ways and made me appreciate and love pilates even more. Jeanique helped us understand the material in more depth and how to apply it in our own bodies. She also gave us the confidence and push we needed during the training. “
Gentle pilates for self sunday
You know those days when you lie down on your mat to break a sweat with your Pilates routine, but then 10 minutes later, you’re still laying there, just sinking into the floor, breathing easy and feeling super content. Fine, permission granted to morph into a relaxed...
Who is Joseph Pilates
Joseph Pilates quote: Study carefully. Do not sacrifice knowledge to speed in building your solid exercise regime on the foundation of Contrology. Follow instructions exactly as indicated down to the very smallest detail". ~ Return to life Joseph Hubertus Pilates aka...
Dealing with pandemic as a teacher
I absolutely love my new job as a classical Pilates teacher. It gives me such satisfaction to make someone feel better in mind, body, and soul. As much as I enjoy teaching group classes and giving the clients a full-flow workout, I also like the diversity of...