Joseph Pilates Longevity sequence 1932
Did you know that Joseph Pilates invented the longevity sequence in 1932?
In his book, ‘Your Health’, he says, “Did you ever try to get down on the floor from a straight to a sitting position? Try it. Having trouble? Of course, you are because there is a lack of coordination.”
Joseph Pilates believed that having strong knees, ankles, and hips is the key to performing two legs squats, one-leg squats, and cross-ankle squats with ease. According to him, adding the cross-ankle routine into your Mat Pilates workout each week can gradually improve your knee joint strength and overall longevity.
NOTE: However, if you have bad knees, knee replacement, or hip replacement, don’t try it without the presence of a qualified teacher.
True flexibility can be achieved only when all muscles are uniformly developed ~ Joseph Pilates, Return to life through Contrology