Reduce shoulder neck tension

Reduce shoulder neck tension – 5 tips

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We’re back with another session of shoulder awareness. With our current situation, I feel the need to continue this topic to state the obvious – shoulder and neck tension has become part of our lives. We must understand how our shoulders work and how to fix them once and for all.

So here is what we ‘re going to learn:



Why shoulder injuries are so common?

.. Conscious movers exercise correctly. @jeaniquepilates

Bonus video: Neck exercises, neck spasm relief, and computer and desk stretching exercises.

Why shoulder injuries are so common? 


The shoulders are divided into two sections, the shoulder girdle, and the shoulder joint. Here’s an easy way to remember their functions. The shoulder joint is where the arm meets the body and the shoulder girdle is the part that provides stability and mobility so that the arms can move freely. Easy right? 

Ok, now let’s explore the movement that the arms do daily. You can picture them or stand up and do them with me.

a) Raise your arms above your head to grab the cup on the top shelve. 

b) Take your hands behind you back and clasps your fingers together.

c) Raise your arms to the side as if you’re doing snow angel while standing but without moving your legs.

d) Circle your arms up around and down and down around and up. 

How did you do? Did you see or feel all the movements? As a conscious mover, it’s good for you to know this. This lesson is to teach you that the shoulder is a multifunctional joint? Which mean that all movement that you will ever do at home, while doing Pilates, playing golf, swimming, dancing will involve one of these movements. And the reason the arms can perform so many movements is that the arm bone sits in a very shallow socket. This is also why shoulder injuries are so common – the shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the body. 


What causes shoulder weakness?

There’re five things that affect the shoulders and weaken them. I think you know them already but I will share them anyway. So here they’re;

1. Lack of movements 

2. Poor posture 

3. Repetitive stress movement (sports injuries, work-related injuries )

4. Daily stress 

5. Age 


The good news is just like in life ” everything is figureoutable” and fixable. Check below.

5 tips to reduce stiffness and shoulder tension

We all have different lifestyles but I am sure that one of these five tips could be helpful to you. 


1. Take regular breaks from the computer and stretch your shoulders and neck.

Being at the computer affects both the shoulder girdle and shoulder joint. Avoid staying for more than two hours in the same position. But if you have no choice go through this series of a stretch to release tension. (See video above)

2. Learn to adapt to stress and change.  
Stress is part of life. Sure we can learn to reduce the things that make us feel stress, which is a journey. But while you figure this out try this easy 7 mins exercise, it will help you open your chest to release your shoulder stiffness. Also, it’s a good way to relax after a long day

3. Do the movement that involves full range of your shoulder joints, shoulder girdle.

As you saw above the arms can do so many movements and in all directions. The shoulders are at its strongest when both the shoulder joint and shoulder girdle have been moved. Get into a habit of doing a full-body exercise minimum twice a week. Pilates works 100% the arm. Even when you’re are working the legs the arms are still working.

4. Carry your bag for a month on a different shoulder.

Injuries come from imbalances, and imbalances arise when one muscle works more than the other. We all favor our stronger side. This small mindful habit will bring balance to both shoulders.

5. Use imagery when you exercise to release unnecessary tension when you move your arms.

With an effort of feeling toned and worked out we tend to apply too much stiffness and tension. This can creep up all the way to our neck. If you find it hard to not over tighten your joints and arms when you move use images also know as Ideokinesis. A good book to check for imagery is “ Relax your neck and liberate your shoulders ” by Eric Franklin. This is how Eric defines Ideokinesis in his book. ” In ideokinesis, using imagery for the development of body awareness is primary “.

So here you have it. Now it’s your turn if you had to pick one tip which one would it be? To leave your answer scroll below and leave a comment in the comment box below.


See you next week


Jeanique L. Kalodjera 


"Empower yourself and become the person you're meant to be"! 

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