8 healthy related tips to start applying today

Release hidden fears 

This unprecedented situation has got us in limbo. But despite all, I hope that you and your family are all safe and well. 

Alen and I are both grateful to be in good condition. Meaning; safe, roof on our head, food in the fridge, wifi to stream. My thought go out to the people have no choice but to go to work. Because without them we will be in big trouble. People like ;nurses, doctors, supermarket workers, cleaners and so many more that are working hard to keep Dubai going. 

in time of turmoil, our health is our biggest asset @jeaniquepilates 

You’ve been on my mind. I know how hard you worked on yourself to get where you’re (whether it’s one week, 1 month, 1 year, or more). And my goal is to help you keep moving in any way possible. Because beyond the body, you and I exercise to maintain our sanity.

With uncertainties come fears – fears are all that’re floating on the news and social media. Absorbed fears can make us feel overwhelmed, scared and depressed. Fear and also anxiety can turn into anger and frustration. And unfortunately, the persons that usually start to suffer are our loved ones. Lashing out at each other which sometimes happen as a way to release tension, is not a solution right now, and it doesn’t solve anything. Instead I suggest we apply more sustainable solutions to get through this difficult time.


Here are my eight healthy tips that you can start applying right away, to help you stay strong and in control.

1. Breathe .
Close your eyes, cancel everything from your head and focus on breathing as deep as possible. ( 2 to 3 minutes ). Remember, breathing can reduce anxiety


2. Move – Online video or virtual.

Thanks to technology we can stay close to our family. But we can also take advantage of what is available and make the best of itOur online videos will help you keep moving, and as of April you can join us live via zoom. We will carry on with our theme of the month – feet and spine. Contact us for more details.


3. Drink plenty of water.

Hydration is not only for glowing skin. The same way Pilates can help to detox the body, drinking water also helps to rid toxins from your organ and head. (Super important for removing brain fog right now)


4. Maintain a schedule.

If you’re still going to work that’s great. (as long as you’re being careful). But if you’re not doing this already start right now, create a routine for yourself. (The brain likes it). Make a decision to wake up and go to sleep at a reasonable hour every day. Doing this will give you a sense of purpose and make you feel more organized and in control.


5. Watch funny videos and less news.

Yes, you need to stay informed but you don’t have to do it all day. Watch something that can uplift you instead, funny videos have proven to do that. Make a note to check the link below on laughter. It’s a good read. My husband and I have decided to watch friends series from the beginning on Netflix. (it helps at the end of the day to check out and it’s a good excuse to watch friends again😅)


6. Bolshoi went digital for the first time. 

I received this message from one of our students, if you’re into opera, it’s worth checking out, they are now on YouTube.


7. Create a positive brain environment before you close your eyes. 

A good night’s sleep will help you handle your day better. But it can also help you to focus, so give your brain a break. (Harvard article for better sleep)


8. Be kind to each other 

The good news is we’re all figuring out together so be patient with yourself and others.

Stay put this will not be your life forever when in doubt remember that ‘this too shall pass’!

Now let’s hear from you. Did any of these tips resonate with you? If yes I wanna know which one? You can leave a comment below in the empty box

Once again stay safe and well.


Until I see you next time.

Xx  Jeanique 

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