5 minutes Pilates stomach series to get you ready for anything.

The Pilates stomach series will set you up right away.

Hey there, weekend warrior, what’s in the agenda?
Mine? It’s swimming and biking. I know it’s still hot for biking. My husband and I tried it last week. It felt hot, but we were ok, and it felt good afterward. Cooling off in the pool did the trick, though. Right now, I am working on my surface dives, and so far, not so good in the deep sea, but not so bad in the pool. Anyway, that’s my goal.  I am sure that as a weekend warrior, you must be efficient with your time and movement. Well, don’t worry, I have got something to help you get centered that will not take more than 5 minutes.      
With Pilates, it’s all about the basics, foundations, and moving from your center. And once you understand that – which you do by now, 😀 since you’ve been paying attention in class – you will be able to apply the fundamentals in anything you do. Pilates makes you do everything with better alignment and posture. This no-brainer 5 minutes Pilates abdominal workout should help your posture instantaneously.


Pilates makes you do everything with better alignment and posture @jeaniquepilates

You are most efficient when you move from a very balanced place – unwavering focus, grounded feet, and engaged core. When your core muscles integrate with your legs and arms, you are strong. Moving from your center also gives you more power. You’re less tired, and that’s key to limiting injuries




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