How to do the hundred Pilates exercise

Pilates foundation exercises part 1

The hundred Pilates exercise awakens the nervous system

and the core abdominal muscles.


The Hundreds Pilates is a classical and the first official exercise in the Mat repertoire. (after learning the skills). It’s part of building your Pilates foundation. It’s designed as a warmup exercise to heat your body, muscle tissues and increased your focus.

What makes this exercise unique is warming up the core abdominal muscles, which gives the lumbar spine stability and creates support for the entire body. Every exercise in the Pilates system is about teaching you to work from the centerline of your body. The exercise also appears in the Reformer, Chair, and Cadillac. All the classical pieces of equipment. So learning and understanding how to do the hundreds allows for a smooth transition into group classes. Here are three more reasons to keep it in your practice. 

the hundred pilates
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3 reason to keep the hundreds pilates exercise in your practice

Tips: As you bring awareness throughout your body, observe what you do with your body. Do you cringe your butt, do you tighten your jaws, is your mind here? These are little things that we all sometimes do. But as soon as you catch yourself doing it, straight away change it by bringing your attention back to your body. It’s that simple. Check out all the options first and decide the most appropriate one for you at this stage.

PILATES Exercise :

The hundred pilates 

level :

Intro basic 5/10 to level 5 


Benefits :

Strengthen: the abdominal muscles, upper back muscles; lung muscles, the neck muscles 

Stretches: The lower spine 

Other benefits: Increase focus and alertness




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