The Miracle of Pilates

Meenaz Kassam, retired professor

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Hey, there, welcome. I am so excited that you stopped by. I love The Classical Pilates Method and want to share everything I have learned so far and inspire you to continue your practice. Every week I share an article and a free video for your practice. Sign up and receive free Level 2 Mat Pilates Sequence


I am a 67-year-old recently retired professor, and, have just recovered from two total knee replacement surgeries. The intensity of pain and the feeling of total helplessness where I needed constant assistance allow me to attest to the fact that these are ‘major’ surgeries.

However both my surgeon and physiotherapist were amazed at the speed of my recovery as I quickly graduated from walker to cane and then discarded this to walk independently, albeit slowly and carefully. They asked me if I had been exercising regularly to which I replied: I have been going for Pilate’s classes three times a week for several years! True, I walk and swim when I can, but Pilates has been my constant fitness provider. I attribute my remarkable recovery and the overall general feeling of well-being to Pilates! I wish more people would try Pilates to experience strength, fitness and feeling good about oneself.

Jeanique is a very ‘special’ personal trainer:  she helped me advance gradually, knowing when to pressure me on and when to let go.  She made me realize that some of my limitations were imagined and that i had conditioned my body accordingly.  She helped me overcome these limitations and move beyond them into  general flexibility. Today I have an overall sense of well being and thank Jeanique for getting me there. She is knowledgeable, caring and patient – qualities that make her a excellent personal trainer. 

Meenaz Kassam, retired professor 

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