The Miracle work of Pilates

The Miracle work of Pilates what you need to know 


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Hey, there, welcome. I am so excited that you stopped by. I love The Classical Pilates Method and want to share everything I have learned so far and inspire you to continue your practice. Every week I share an article and a free video for your practice. Sign up and receive free Level 2 Mat Pilates Sequence


​Did you know that Pilates exercises can work miracles just the same as Joseph Pilates’ students view him as a Miracle Man who could fix all their pains?​


According to John Howard Steel, author of Cage Lion, who took classes with Joe in the 60s, “Some people, dancers mostly, knew him as a savior—the person who kept them dancing, or stopped their back pain, or put a zip in their step, or some other career-enhancing or enabling therapy.


As we practice and teach others, trust that when the method is done right, Pilates will return you back to life.​



He helped professional golfers eliminate pain in their swing; he helped hairdressers and barbers work pain-free all day with their arms raised. He improved the singers’ breath control. As the person who worked his obscure magic to solve a physical problem that oftentimes doctors, chiropractors, or massage therapists couldn’t, he was a medicine man. Someone who worked miracles.”​

"Empower yourself and become the person you're meant to be"! 

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Michelle Ribbens

Michelle Ribbens believes that Classical Pilates found her !!! After having a Discectomy Surgery, to remove a herniated disc in 2017, Michelle was searching for something !!! But didn’t know what.  Then she found Jeanique Lascar.   After a few months...

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