The secret to living a healthy lifestyle

Meenaz and Moe Long term Pilates practitioners

Being able to live a healthy lifestyle at any age is the ultimate goal of staying fit

 I met Meenaz when I worked at the Jumeirah Beach Club as a personal trainer 16 years ago. It was only my 3rd year in Dubai. Back then, Meenaz was a professor, teaching in two universities simultaneously. The University of Toronto and the American University of Sharjah. Both Meenaz and Moe were traveling heavily, but she would come to see me twice a week when she was in town. When Jumeirah Beach Club closed its doors, she continued her training with me as I step out on my own, right until I told her of my decision to pursue Pilates full time. She was willing to give it a try and decided to continue with me. Eventually, after working on trying to get her husband to try Pilates many times, he finally agreed to give it a try one day after a grueling business trip and got hooked right away. Today they’ve decided to share their experience with us how Pilates has been so helpful for them as they get older!

I think it is so important to get our priorities right and recognise that working out is the foundation to work-life balance. ~ Meenaz and Moe kassam 


I have admired these two because they’re dedicated to staying healthy and strong to continue traveling the world, hanging out with their grandchildren even babysitting them. Besides taking care of their physical body, they also know the importance of maintaining their brain sharp. Moe continues to go to the office daily for a few hours after retiring from his company three years ago and Meenaz takes languages to stay connected to her academic brain – Arabic, Spanish, and French to converse with her granddaughters.

Meenaz and Moe are real-life examples of the gradual change that occurs as we age and what it takes to adapt the body to the unpredictable, which we’ve managed to override thus far with Pilates.

Meenaz and her 3 siblings


With two knee replacement and toes surgeries, Meenaz squats are still manageable, and she can pretty much do everything at her level. And when I get overly cautious, she always tells me, ” don’t worry, I am ok. I feel in control.” That definitely help me to continue challenging her.


As for Moe, as he rests to recover from minor surgery on his legs and hips, he is due to restart his routine as soon as the Dr gives him the green light. Meanwhile he continues his morning ritual – walking for half and hour to forty five minutes.


Giving them students of the year is a great honor for me to show my gratitude for those many years of trust that they put in my hands! 


Meenaz and Moe Kassam Students of the year 2020  Interview 

Can you believe it? It’s been 15 years that I have been teaching you. That’s longer than I have known Alen. 

Yes we are lucky to have found you and have you for our Trainer – it has been an interesting and beneficial  journey!

It’s been a challenging year. How are you handling it all, and what’re you doing to stay fit.

Initially we were all numbed when the pandemic happened – and did nothing at all for a while. Then I learned to connect on zoom – I am not the techie kind – but I figured that I must learn in order to stay connected.  We have been doing our pilates routine via zoom!

When did you become serious about having a serious fitness routine ?

We are both in our 70’s. Quite early on we decided that we must work out and stay fit if we were to live a healthy life free of the stresses of various ailments. 

How do you stay motivated?

Often times I am reluctant to go for a class – but once I am there – I am really glad that I am doing pilates and staying fit and flexible. I try to remember this when I feel lazy!

How many times do you practice?

3 times a week 

What are your fitness goals for the coming year? 

We plan to continue walking every morning and doing pilates about 3 times a week

What is your advice for people that’re juggling between life-work, family balance and Covid? 

I think it is so important to get our priorities right and recognise that working out is the foundation to work-life balance.

Is Jeanique Pilates the only Pilates you’ve done? If no, what other types of Pilates did you do? Is there a difference?

No – we have worked with Lilli Pilates when we are in Toronto. However this year we stayed connected with Jeanique Pilates via zoom when we were in Toronto – so we continued our classes seamlessly.

What’s your favorite piece of equipment and Pilates exercises?

I love any equipment that allows a good stretch – feels so good!

Where has Pilates taken you (geographically / emotionally / physically… any realm you wish!) that you never dreamed of before Pilates became part of your life? 

We are so pleased that Pilates has become a regular part of our lives – it keeps us mindful, works on our balance, strength-training, flexibility and an overall sense of well-being.  We credit pilates for allowing us to stay healthy, flexible and fit -qualities you cherish as you get older. 

Is there anything else that you would like to add? 

I would simply urge everyone – young or old – to try pilates and make it a part of Life and healthy living.  The benefits of that one hour allows for such a feeling of accomplishment and well-being with flexibility and strength training thrown in. I am grateful that we are’ pilates people’ and feel so good that we want to spread the word!!


Meenaz and Moe Kassam

Student of the year 2020

I hope you enjoyed this conversation, and if there’s something that inspired you from what they shared, please let us know by leaving a comment box below.

Pilates exercise of the month! Long Stretch series – Up stretch

Are you ready to add up-stretch in your routine? Have you already tried it and have some questions?Send them through, and we will answer them in June blog for tips and tricks to get the best out of your Pilates practice. 

1 Comment

  1. Amanda Cummins

    Dear Moe & Menaz, what a remarkable journey you have been on with Jeanique, I’m so impressed by your commitment to Pilates and to your well being, wishing you many more years of vitality and good health. Amanda xx
    P.S I remember the Jumeirah Beach Club…what a wonderful spot that was!

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