Pilates Community


Veronika is a mother of three and has a degree in marketing and psychology. She started practising Pilates several years ago, following a lower back injury, and gained experience by practising in different countries. When she relocated to Dubai with her...


Congratulations 🎉 to Neeltje for completing her final performance and teaching. It was so much fun working with you! . Neeltje is a wonderful, caring, and compassionate human being, a great physiotherapist, and now a Pilates teacher. You can find...


Welcoming new Pilates Teacher Trainee, who is originally from Korea and lives in Dubai: My name is Ji Eun Kang; currently, I work as a cabin supervisor at Emirates Airlines....I have been practising Classical Pilates for the past few years with one of the Pilates...

Transformation power of Pilates during Chemotheray

Discovering the transformative power of Pilates during my chemotherapy journey was a game-changer. It provided a gentle yet impactful practice that kept my body moving, even during the most challenging times. While enduring long hours wearing a treatment helmet,...