Pilates Community

Dynamic Upper Body Strength: The Foundation of Great Posture


Joseph Pilates Return to life

Return to life through ContrologyDid you know Joseph Pilates wrote two books, Return to Life Through Contrology and Your Health? Our studio follows the steps of The Pilates Center, which for 30 years has kept Joseph Pilates’ legacy alive by continuing to pursue his...

The Classical Pilates Method

The Classical Pilates Method is the work of Joseph created in 1945  The Classical Pilates Method follows Joseph Pilates's original work and vision toward returning people back to health through Contrology (the actual name of Pilates). With so many Pilates methods on...

Gentle pilates for self sunday

You know those days when you lie down on your mat to break a sweat with your Pilates routine, but then 10 minutes later, you’re still laying there, just sinking into the floor, breathing easy and feeling super content. Fine, permission granted to morph into a relaxed...

Who is Joseph Pilates

Joseph Pilates quote: Study carefully. Do not sacrifice knowledge to speed in building your solid exercise regime on the foundation of Contrology. Follow instructions exactly as indicated down to the very smallest detail". ~ Return to life  Joseph Hubertus Pilates aka...

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