Dynamic Upper Body Strength

Build Power and Stability with Upper Body Strength Training.

The Tower Equipment

The Incredible Power of the Tower Equipment: A Full-Body Workout for Women Women love the Tower equipment because it offers a dynamic, full-body workout that complements both the reformer and mat Pilates practices. With its vertical structure and spring resistance,...

Meet Your Upper Body Super Power

In Pilates, breathing isn’t just a natural function; it’s the key to unleashing your upper body strength and enhancing your overall well-being. Most people start Pilates to improve posture and core strength; it is understandable – these two are deeply interconnected....

5 accessories to help improve your upper body strength

As we wrap up our month’s series on boosting upper body strength in your Pilates practice, I want to leave you with an inspiring message. Remember, sustainable strength needs to be mobile, which is crucial for achieving lasting progress. The upper body is the source...

Centered movement

I hope you had a great week! This week, we're diving deeper into the connection between your core and upper body. It's time to explore your natural movement patterns and notice how you can improve with greater ease and intention. If you missed the first two weeks,...

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