Long term Benefits of Pilates - moving with ease and pleasure

Week 3 - Mat Pilates Beginner with a focus on breathing

Regardless of fitness background, we all started our Pilates practice from basic. And sometimes, because of all the technics that our bodies need to get, it’s hard to imagine the long term benefits of Pilates and what we can achieve when we put the time to practice regularly. All the technics that we work hard to understand help us to get the right alignment for these reasons.

  • To get more uniformly, strong muscles.
  • To be more centered 
  • To be more in control of your body and mind.

But one of the most important goals is to enjoy and have fun. See for yourself how movement can be freeing and fun.


“The reward of our work is not what we get but what we become” ~ Paulo Coelho 


When in doubt keep practicing and remember this Paulo Coelho quote ~ “the reward of our work is not what get but what we become.”

Once you’ve got a moment to watch the video share your comments and thoughts. Don’t forget to practice, because that ‘s how we get there.






reformer Pilates Thigh stretch with arch

ReformerThe Thigh stretch with archEquipment Equipment ReformerLevelBeginner/IntermediatePilates Exercises   Thigh Stretch with arch Tips and tricks Maintain the shoulder inline with the hips. Lift the arms in line with the hips bone while you extend the spineCourse...

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