ten minutes Movement class for your spine

“90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine.” ~ Roger

“The spine can be likened to the mast of
a ship, supporting the weight of the upper body in the way that a mast supports its sails.” ~ Hellerwork


Good alignment is key to good health that’s a known fact. Practicing Pilates will correct poor posture by strengthening the core muscles. And that’s a known fact too! 

But with our lifestyle today, we need a little more preparation. It’s a good practice to release stiffnesses before you start your Pilates routine. Not only will it feel good, but doing this will make room for the right muscles to fire up.

I’ve been very aware of the amount of time that I’m at my computer for the last two weeks. So I’ve a made a point to release my upper back using my small barrel every two to three hours. Because I can feel how my neck is stiffening up by the end of the day. So this video today is for those days that you need to release build-up tightnesses before you begin your Pilates routine. (suitable for children and teenagers) 

You only need two cushions, a theraband or a yoga strap.

Give a try and let me know what you think by leaving a comment below.

Stay safe and keep practicing. 

Xx Jeanique 


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